Dental Bridge Treatment in Antalya

Dental Bridges: Bridging the Gap to Your Ideal Smile at Antalya, Turkey

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a custom-made dental prosthetic used to replace one or more missing teeth. By anchoring onto the neighbouring teeth or dental implants, a bridge effectively "bridges" the gap where teeth are absent. Composed of two or more crowns for the anchoring teeth and a false tooth/teeth in between, bridges are crafted from durable materials like porcelain to complement your natural teeth seamlessly
dental bridge

How Does the Dental Bridge Procedure Work?

Initial Consultation: Our dental team assesses your oral health, discusses your expectations, and designs a personalized treatment plan.

Preparation of Anchoring Teeth: The teeth adjacent to the gap (abutments) are prepared by reshaping them to ensure a proper fit for the bridge.

Impressions: Detailed impressions of your teeth are taken to custom-craft your bridge for a precise fit and aesthetic match.

Temporary Bridge: A temporary bridge may be placed to protect the prepared teeth while your permanent bridge is being made.

Fitting the Permanent Bridge: Once ready, the permanent bridge is carefully adjusted, ensuring comfort and a flawless appearance, and then cemented into place.

Dental Bridge Treatment Techniques

Traditional Bridges: Most commonly used, involving crowns for the anchoring teeth with a false tooth in between.

Cantilever Bridges: Used when there are adjacent teeth on only one side of the missing tooth or teeth.

Maryland Bridges: Minimally invasive, utilising a metal or porcelain framework bonded onto the backs of adjacent teeth.

Implant-supported Bridges: For the greatest stability, bridges can be supported by dental implants instead of natural teeth.

Pros & Cons of Dental Bridge Treatment


Aesthetic Improvement: Bridges restore the appearance of your smile with materials that mimic natural teeth.

Functional Benefits: Improve chewing and speaking abilities compromised by missing teeth.

Prevent Misalignment: Help maintain the position of remaining teeth by preventing them from shifting.


Longevity: While durable, bridges may eventually need replacement due to wear or oral changes.

Oral Hygiene: Requires meticulous cleaning techniques to maintain oral health around and under the bridge.

Preparation of Adjacent Teeth: Involves permanent alteration of adjacent teeth to anchor the bridge.

How to Prepare for Dental Bridge Treatment

Good Oral Health Practice: Ensuring optimal oral health to support the longevity of the bridge.

Detailed Consultation: Understanding the procedure, options, and how to care for your bridge post-placement.

Dental Bridge Treatment Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Information

Pre-Operative: You'll receive comprehensive guidance on preparing for the procedure, including any necessary adjustments to your oral hygiene routine.

Post-Operative: Our team will provide detailed care instructions for your new bridge, including cleaning techniques and dietary recommendations to ensure the health and longevity of your dental work.

Dental Bridge Recovery and Healing Process

Recovery from a dental bridge procedure is typically swift, with most patients quickly adapting to the feel of their new prosthetic. Any initial sensitivity usually diminishes within a few days.

Dental Bridge Treatment Risks and Side Effects

Discomfort or Sensitivity: Temporary and usually resolves quickly.

Damage to Anchoring Teeth: Rare, but proper care and regular check-ups can prevent issues.