Femtosecond Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

Femtosecond Laser Eye Surgery is a laser technology used in the treatment of refractive surgery with refractive errors such as myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism. Femtosecond LASIK provides the desired level of nonsurgical flap opening with a thin incision in the cornea which is the most important stage of the laser surgery under computer control. Creation of the incision with laser light instead of the blade reduces the risk. Femtosecond laser increases the success of the operation by providing a special incision. The method of creating a corneal incision with femtosecond laser is especially recommended for some patients by our doctors.

fentosecond Lasik

The Advantages of Blade-free Femtosecond Laser Eye Surgery;

  • Ability to create the desired level of the flap for patients with a thin cornea.
  • Possibility of laser for patients with high degrees of refractive errors
  • Lower risk of eye dryness after the operation

    The major disadvantages of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery are the high cost of the laser and the disposables for surgery, femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery–specific intraoperative capsular complications, as well as the risk of intraoperative miosis and the learning curve. Also one of the most common side effects of cataract surgery is blurry vision. Fortunately, the blurriness is usually temporary and resolves on its own with time.

    Who has a risk for Femtosecond Laser Eye surgery?

    Femtosecond laser surgery is relatively contraindicated in patients with advanced glaucoma, high anxiety, tremors, dementia, facial or ocular anatomy that precludes adequate LASER docking (i.e. small palpebral fissures, prominent brows, irregular corneal surfaces) and previous refractive surgery or corneal opacities.