Direct Hair Transplant Turkey

Direct Hair Transplant (DHI)

Welcome to the next generation of hair restoration. At Formedi Clinic in Antalya, Turkey, we specialise in direct hair transplant (DHT), an innovative technique that promises a fuller head of hair with minimal downtime. As a leading direct hair transplant plastic surgeon, I'm here to guide you through this advanced procedure, breaking down the complex medical process into simple, easy-to-understand terms.

What is a Direct Hair Transplant?

A direct hair transplant is a state-of-the-art procedure that involves directly implanting hair follicles from a donor area to the recipient area without the need for creating pre-made incisions. This method is highly efficient, minimises trauma to the scalp, and ensures the rapid recovery of patients, making it a preferred choice for many seeking hair restoration solutions.

How Does the Direct Hair Implantation Surgery Work?

The DHT technique is simple yet effective. We start by extracting individual hair follicles from the back or sides of your scalp, where hair is typically denser and less susceptible to balding. These follicles are then directly implanted into the thinning or bald areas of your scalp using a specialized tool. This direct implantation allows us to control the angle carefully, depth, and direction of each graft, ensuring a natural-looking hairline and aesthetically pleasing results.
Formedi FUE

DHI Hair Transplant Surgery Techniques

The key to the DHT method lies in its precision and immediacy. Unlike traditional techniques that require creating incisions before implantation, the DHT method implants follicles directly into the scalp. This is achieved using a specialized implanter pen that carries a single follicle, allowing for precise placement and immediate grafting. This technique reduces the time the follicles are outside the body, which enhances their viability and the overall success rate of the transplant.

Pros and Cons


•Faster recovery time due to minimal scalp trauma.

•Reduced risk of scarring and infections.

•Immediate implantation increases the success rate of follicle survival.

•More natural-looking results with precise control over hair placement.


•Requires a high level of skill and experience, which may not be available everywhere.

•The procedure may take longer than traditional transplants due to the precision involved.

•Can be more costly due to the advanced equipment and expertise required.

How to Prepare for DHI Hair Transplant Surgery

Preparation for a direct hair transplant at Formedi Clinic includes a thorough consultation with our team. We'll evaluate your hair loss pattern, discuss your goals, and tailor a personalized treatment plan. Leading up to the procedure, it's important to avoid smoking, alcohol, and any medications that could affect bleeding or healing. A good night's sleep and a healthy diet can also prepare your body for the upcoming procedure.

DHI Hair Transplant Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Information

Pre-Operative: You'll receive detailed guidelines on how to prepare for your surgery, including fasting instructions and what to bring on the day of the procedure.

Post-Operative: Recovery after a DHT procedure is remarkably swift. We'll provide you with specific care instructions to ensure a smooth healing process. This includes advice on washing your hair, managing potential discomfort, and when to resume normal activities. Follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your progress.

Direct Hair Transplant Recovery and Healing Process

One of the most significant advantages of the DHT method is the rapid recovery time. Patients typically experience minimal discomfort and can return to their daily routines within a few days. Initial signs of new hair growth can be seen within two to three months, with the full impact visible after nine to twelve months.

Risks and Side Effects of DHI Hair Transplant

While direct hair transplant is considered safe, like any medical procedure, it carries potential risks. These may include temporary shedding of transplanted hair, known as shock loss, minor swelling, and discomfort at the implantation sites. At formedi clinic in Turkey, our expert team utilises the latest techniques and stringent hygiene protocols to minimize these risks, ensuring a safe and successful treatment outcome.

Hair Transplant watch how it works

What is the difference between FUE and FUT hair transplant methods?

There are two primary Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both methods are effective in restoring hair growth, but they are different in their approach and technique. Here's a comparison between FUE and FUT hair transplant methods:

What is the postoperative care for a hair transplant?

While specific instructions may vary depending on the individual's unique situation and the plastic surgeon's recommendations, here are some general postoperative care guidelines for hair transplant patients:

How long does it take for transplanted hair to grow?

The timeline for transplanted hair to grow can vary depending on several factors, including individual healing rates, the technique used during the procedure, and the patient's overall health. However, here is a general overview of what to expect:

What to do if I do not have enough donors for Hair Transplant?

If you don't have enough donor hair on your scalp for the procedure, there are alternative options that your plastic surgeon may suggest. One such option is Chest Hair Extraction. Here's what you need to know:

What is the differences between Grafts and Hair Follicles?

Both play crucial roles in the success of a hair transplant, but they serve different functions and have distinct characteristics. Here's a simple comparison between grafts and hair follicles: