PRK/LASEK Laser Eye Surgery

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)Laser Eye Surgery

PRK is a treatment that corrects refractive errors just like LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis). Unlike the most commonly used Lasik technique, the PRK method does not create a flap with the incision in the cornea and the laser starts directly from the outer surface. PRK technique laser is the process of applying the Excimer Laser to the underlying tissue by stripping the thin live tissue called the epithelium over the cornea. At the end of the surgery, a transparent and unnumbered contact lens is placed on the cornea for several days to protect the cornea's surface. The process of gaining a good vision is longer compared to Lasik and can last up to 3-4 weeks. About 2-4 days after the procedure are painful and uncomfortable, the reason is that the healing of epithelial tissue is completed within this period.


Lasek technique laser eye surgery is based on the principle of removing the epithelial tissue in the eye with the aid of alcohol eye drops. Once the laser is applied, the epithelium is replaced in the eye. Although the results are safe in these two surface methods, patients may have burning, stinging and watering for 2 -3 days. Within 1 week to 10 days on average, vision becomes clear. Although clearer net results can be achieved in the third month with this treatment method, patients can continue their daily life in this process for a week without glasses.

Details of PRK and LASEK methods

  • It is recommended in some eye structures that are not suitable for Lasik due to corneal thickness although the eye degree is small (up to 3 degrees in myopia and astigmatism).
  • The eye is anaesthetized with a drop just as in the Lasik method.
  • Patients do not feel pain during the operation.
  • Contact lenses are placed to enable the epithelium to heal and to protect the eye; and removed 3-4 days after the operation under the supervision of a doctor.

    prk lasek laser eye surgery