Monofocal Lens Replacement Surgery Turkey

Monofocal Lens: A Clear Solution in Antalya Turkey

What is a Monofocal Lens?

A mono-focal lens is a type of intraocular lens (IOL) used primarily in cataract surgery and for individuals seeking to correct significant refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness). Unlike multifocal lenses, mono-focal lenses are designed to provide clear vision at one specific distance, typically chosen to be either near, intermediate or far. Most patients opt for clear distance vision, with the use of reading glasses for close-up tasks.

monofocal lens formedi

How Does the Monofocal Lens Surgery Work?

The procedure for implanting a mono-focal lens involves the removal of the eye's natural lens that has become cloudy due to a cataract or is not providing adequate vision due to a refractive error. The surgery is conducted under local anaesthesia, ensuring the patient is comfortable and pain-free throughout the process. A small incision is made in the eye, through which the natural lens is removed and replaced with the monofocal IOL.

Monofocal Lens Replacement Surgery Techniques

Phacoemulsification: The most common and least invasive method, using ultrasound waves to break up the natural lens for removal before inserting the monofocal IOL.

Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery: Utilizes a laser to make incisions and fragment the lens, offering a high degree of precision and potentially reducing recovery time.

The choice of technique is tailored to the patient's specific needs and conditions, ensuring optimal results.

Pros & Cons


Simplicity and Reliability: Monofocal lenses offer a straightforward solution for clear vision at one distance, with a high success rate.

Cost-effective: Generally less expensive than multifocal or trifocal lenses, making them a more accessible option for many patients.

Reduced Visual Disturbances: Unlike multifocal lenses, monofocal lenses have a lower risk of halos and glare around lights.


Limited Range of Vision: Patients will likely need glasses for certain tasks, such as reading or computer work, if distance vision is corrected.

No Presbyopia Correction: Unlike multifocal and trifocal lenses, monofocal lenses do not correct presbyopia, the age-related loss of near vision.

How to Prepare for Monfocal Lens Replacement Surgery

Preparation is key to a successful surgery and recovery:

Consultation: A detailed discussion with your plastic surgeon at Formedi Clinic will help determine if a monofocal lens is right for you, considering your lifestyle and vision needs.

Comprehensive Eye Exam: Essential for assessing your eye health and for precise measurements for the IOL.

Medication Review: Inform your surgeon about all medications and supplements you are taking, as some may need to be adjusted before surgery.

Monofocal Lens Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Information


Informed Consent: Understanding the procedure, expectations, and potential risks is crucial for a positive outcome.


Immediate Care: Adhering to post-surgery instructions, including eye drops for infection prevention and inflammation reduction, is vital.

Activity Restrictions: Protecting your eyes from strain and injury by avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activities for a short period post-surgery.

Follow-Up Visits: Essential for monitoring your healing process and ensuring the best possible vision outcome.

Monofocal Lens Replacement Surgery Recovery and Healing Process

Recovery from monofocal lens implantation is typically quick, with many patients noticing an improvement in their vision almost immediately. Full recovery and stabilization of vision may take up to several weeks. During this time, it's normal to experience some fluctuations in vision as your eye adjusts to the new lens.

Risks and Side Effects of Monofocal Lens Replacement Surgery

While monofocal lens implantation is generally safe and effective, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks:

Infection: Though rare, it's the most serious risk and can be managed with antibiotics.

Inflammation: Common but typically mild and easily treated with medication.

Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO): A condition that can cause vision to become cloudy again but is treatable with a simple laser procedure.

At formedi Turkey in Antalya, our commitment to using the latest technologies and techniques significantly reduces these risks, ensuring our patients receive the highest standard of care.